Portfolio, Previous Commissions

William D Williamson

14347 Imlay City Rd Capac, Michigan 48014

810-395-4418 will@willmade.com



Historic Trinity Lutheran Church    Detroit, Michigan

      Early American Mantle and Surround


Saint Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church      Chatham, Ontario

 Iconostasis  Holy Altar  (2) Icon Stands


Old Saint Mary's Catholic Church      Detroit, Michigan

New Wood Sacred Heart Altar 28' tall to replace existing 125 year old Altar destroyed by Fire


Saint Dennis Catholic Church   Royal Oak, Michigan

Christ in Glory Triptychh, (68) Removable wood panels for Murals, Red Oak Wall Railings,  (10) Columns With Capitals, New Red Oak Altar, Ambo,    Celebrants Chair ,   Deacons Chairs, Candle Bases  Pascal CandleCredencee Tables


Capuchin Retreat Center     Washington Twp. Michigan

Red Oak Altar, Ambo, Celebrants Chair, Credence Table, 5 candle Bases Pascal Candle Base, Tabernacle, Tabernacle Base


S.S. John & Paul Catholic Church     Washington Twp. Michigan

Mary & Joseph Grotto, Tabernacle Base, Installation of Wood Sculpture,

Cut Down Ambo


Saint Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church     Clinton Twp. Michigan

Fabrication and Installation of Wood Sculpture,

Movable Oak Base for Susan Young Sculpture


Saint Mary's Catholic Church     Rockwood, Michigan

Fabrication and installation of Mahogany Leaded Glass Doors


Saint Mel's Catholic Church    Livonia, Michigan

Pascal Candle Base, Processional Cross with 2 Bases

Restoration of Stations of the Cross

Saint Joseph Catholic Church     South Lyons, Michigan

Concrete Baptismal Font, Gothic Arch lighted Ambree,

Table for the Book of the Dead, Processional Cross Base


Saint Patrick Catholic Church         Wyondote, Michigan

New Wood Red Oak Altar, Ambo, Celebrants Chair, Chanters Stand


Old Saint Mary's Catholic Church      Detroit, Michigan

 Replace 100 year old Organ Loft


Saint Cyprian Catholic Church                Southgate, Michigan

Processional Cross with 2 bases, Lighted Ambry


Saint Joseph Catholic Church        Trenton, Michigan

New Red Oak Altar, Ambo, Celebrants Chair, Chair Platform, Ambry,

6 Candle Bases, 4 Red Oak Columns, Wood Form for Baptismal Font,

Reconciliation Screen, Table for the Book of the Dead, Unity Candle Base, Devotional Lectern, 4 Statue Bases, Processional Cross,

4 Leaded Glass Window, Gothic Window Frame


Arch Dioceses of Orlando       Orlando, Florida

Processional Cross with Base, 2 Candle Bases


Saint Gerald's Catholic Church         Livonia, Michigan

Red Oak Ambry with Table, ADA adjustable Ambo


Saint Joseph Catholic Church          Detroit, Michigan

New Wood Tabernacle Doors to match existing 100 year Old Altar


Sweetest Heart of Mary Catholic Church      Detroit, Michigan

Restoration of Bishop's Throne, New Red Oak Platform, Restoration of Deacons Chairs


Saint Irenaeus Catholic Church     Rochester Hills, Michigan

New Wood Altar, Ambo ,Presiders Chair, Deacons Chair, 4Candle Bases

Hand Carved Processional Cross


Old Saint Mary's Catholic Church        Detroit, Michigan

Restoration of Front Doors, Replace Ornamental Railing over Front Doors